Museion Art Club - Through the Vault

Museion Art Club - Through the Vault

Freitag 27 Sept.

Bozner Stadtzentrum (Bozen)

20:00 - 00:00


Free entry
Museion -1
To mark the opening of the new exhibition AMONG THE INVISIBLE JOINS - Works from the Enea Righi Collection, Museion Art Club presents Through the Vault. Inspired by the concept of secrecy and mystery evoked by private collections, the evening is structured as a multi-sensory journey through live performances and DJ sets. Immersed in an environment that recalls the aesthetics of vaults, the audience is invited to explore what is usually hidden and inaccessible through music and performance.

20:30–21:00: Angel Anger live set
21:15–22:00: Rat Section live set
22:00–24:00: Low Jack b2b STILL DJ set

The theme takes its inspiration from the title and intent of the exhibition: hidden treasures, kept in secret places like villas or armored vaults that stimulate reflections on the relationship between the past, present and future of art.
The event will take place on the basement floor of the museum, just a few steps away from the storerooms where the works are kept. These, like bank vaults, are private places protected by reinforced concrete pillars and alarms, where the museum’s artworks are stored before they are displayed to the public. It is the top-secret side of the museum that arouses curiosity and symbolizes the relationship of distance and sometimes reverential fear that exists between the public and contemporary art. The evening’s set design evokes these sensations, using recycled materials like concrete blocks, black curtains and aluminum pylons.





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