Die Ladiner, Joakin from Ortisei and Otto from S. Cristina, have written the history of folk music and sparked enthusiasm in the German-speaking world with their touching music inspired by the Dolomites. After securing the second place at the Grand Prix della Volksmusik in 2002, their career took off rapidly, culminating in victory in 2004 with the song "Beuge dich vor grauem Haar" (Bow Before Gray Hair). Their music reflects the unique beauty of the Dolomites, often centered around the mountains, and they received recognition such as the "Musikantenkönige des Monats Mai" in 2004 with "Erzähl mir deine Träume" (Tell Me Your Dreams).
Meeting point:
town hall square
Contact info:
ATeams - Music Management
This event requires registration:
ATeams - Music Management, info@suedtirol-concerts.com
Useful links:
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