Advent and Christmas in Laatsch

Advent and Christmas in Laatsch

The Laatsch associations will enchant you at Advent & Christmas in Laatsch!
There are numerous highlights and cosy get-togethers in the village of Laatsch during the Advent season.

Some programme highlights:

Thu, 05.12.2024 | Krampus Day
At 14:00 the children parade through the village

Fri, 13.12.2024 | PREMIERE theatre performance (German language)
‘A Märchen as insrer Zeit’ at 19:30 in the multi-purpose hall

Sat, 14.12.2024 | Advent in the St. Caesarius Church
From 18:00 Music and reflection with various music groups from the Laatsch music band. Followed by tea, mulled wine and biscuits

Sun, 15.12.2024 | Theatre performance (German language)
‘A Märchen as insrer Zeit’ at 15:00 in the multi-purpose hall

Fri, 20.12.2024 | Theatre performance (German language)
‘A Märchen as insrer Zeit’ at 19:30 in the multi-purpose hall

Sat, 21.12.2024 | Mulled wine stand of the Volunteer Fire Brigade Laatsch
From 11 am in the fire station hall

Sat, 21.12.2024 | Theatre performance (German language)
‘A Märchen as insrer Zeit’ at 19:30 in the multi-purpose hall

Tue, 24.12.2024 | Christmas mass and silent night play
at 16:00 in the parish church, followed by a musical Christmas greeting

Sat, 28.12.2024 | New Year's playing by the music band
from 09:00 a.m. the music band Laatsch brings musical congratulations to the population

Meeting point:

in the village

Contact info:

Various clubs in the Upper Vinschgau Valley

Despite our efforts in verifying data we do not assume any responsibility for the correctness of information and the effective ralisation of events listed in our calendar. In order to verify single events, please contact the organisers.

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