Altstadtfest 2025

Altstadtfest 2025

Friday 12 Sep

Bolzano City Centre (Bolzano)

from 18:00 on

Saturday 13 Sep

Bolzano City Centre (Bolzano)

from 18:00 on

Sunday 14 Sep

Bolzano City Centre (Bolzano)

from 18:00 on

Welcome to the Altstadtfest (Old Town Festival)!

Every two years the associations of Bolzano invite you to the Old Town Festival at "King Laurin". These are non-profit associations that work on a voluntary basis in the fields of sport, leisure, culture and customs. They want to use the proceeds from this festival to fill their coffers so that they can once again put on great events for young and old throughout the year. In order for this to succeed, this festival requires the commitment of around 850 volunteers!

Meeting point:

Walther square and surrounding streets

Contact info:

OK - Zu Gast bei König Laurin
+39 392 3987572

Despite our efforts in verifying data we do not assume any responsibility for the correctness of information and the effective ralisation of events listed in our calendar. In order to verify single events, please contact the organisers.

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