Audi youth choir academy

Audi youth choir academy

The Audi Youth Choir Academy is a select ensemble of 70 young singers. The vocal ensemble cooperates with top artists and orchestras such as Kent Nagano, the London Symphony Orchestra and the Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin. The Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin (Akamus) is one of the world's leading chamber orchestras for historically informed music. Akamus is a regular guest on the most important European and international concert stages. Under the direction of Martin Steidler, the Great Mass in C minor and the Requiem in D minor by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart will be performed in Bressanone Cathedral on August 1.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Requiem and Great Mass in C minor

Carolyn Sampson, soprano
Olivia Vermeulen, alto
Kai Kluge, tenor
Kresimir Strazanac, bass
Martin Steidler, conductor

Meeting point:

Cathedral of Bressanone

Contact info:

Tourist Office Brixen/Bressanone
+39 0472 275252

This event requires registration:

Tourist Office Brixen/Bressanone, +39 0472 275252,

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