Bike Adventure Tours: S. Silvestro

Bike Adventure Tours: S. Silvestro

Tuesday 01 Oct

Dobbiaco village (Dobbiaco)

09:45 - 15:00
Reservation required

Tuesday 29 Oct

Dobbiaco village (Dobbiaco)

09:45 - 15:00
Reservation required

Experience a unique MTB adventure of discovery and fun accompanied by our expert guide Lissy! Together with her you will cross wonderful landscapes, get to know the history of these territories, learn tricks and secrets to make the best use of your MTB but above all you will live an unforgettable experience! And after your fatigue you will share a well-deserved break in one of the many mountain huts and alpine pastures along the routes!

Our adventure todays takes us to: the Malga San Silvestro

On this tour we have to commit ourselves right from the start. Right in Toblach, the approximately eight kilometre-long climb to the San Silvestro alpine pasture begins. We encounter two fairly demanding uphill sections, after all we climb gently along the agitated San Silvestro stream. After a short stop at the original alpine hut, we can enjoy the silence of the alpine pasture interrupted only by the melodic sound of the cowbells. We return to Toblach in a variety of ups and downs along forest tracks and asphalted roads. At the same time we can enjoy the wonderful panorama of the Sexten Dolomites and the Puster Valley.

Distance: 27.71 km
Altitude difference: 734 m
Condition: ***
Technique: *
Panorama: ****
Age: 15 years (13 years with e-bike)

MTB Bike or E-Bike is not included

Meeting point:

meeting point: tourist office

Contact info:

Associazione Turistica Dobbiaco
348 1685094

This event requires registration:

Associazione Turistica Dobbiaco, 348 1685094,

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