Blossom hike

Blossom hike

Monday 28 Apr

Naz (Naz-Sciaves)

15:00 - 17:00
Reservation required

Burning incense with local flowers and natural incense.

Incense burning is the most original form and has accompanied people since time immemorial. People burn incense to experience healing through the soothing odours, among other things. When flowers, leaves, bark, resins and roots are incensed, essential oils are released and rise with the smoke. They can have an effect on our well-being. Get to know individual incense substances (flowers and blossoms) on this walk and immerse yourself in the magic of the individual scents.

Meeting point:

meeting point: main square

Contact info:

Tourism Association Naz-Sciaves
+39 0472 415020

This event requires registration:

Tourism Association Naz-Sciaves, +39 0472 415020,

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