Cattle Drive in Söll

Cattle Drive in Söll

Saturday 21 Sep


from 12:00 on

In Söll at the heart of scenic Wilder Kaiser Region the focus is on the returning animals by the end of September: The grand cattle drive is reason for a wonderful celebration each year, deeply rooted in tradition.

Söll Brass Band opens the traditional cattle drive in Söll on September 21, 2024, with a parade through the village by noon. The animals are herded through the village in all their splendour past Alpengasthof Hochsöll. The grand cattle drive is now in its 45th year.

Market and handicraft stalls at the Brunnhoffeld festivity area in Söll lend a very special flair to the village during the week and an array of eateries pamper visitors with local delicacies.

Meeting point:

in the village centre

Contact info:

Tourist autority Wilder Kaiser
tel. +43 505 09

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