Christmas in Dro

Christmas in Dro

The Pro Loco of Sant' Antonio, in collaboration with the Dro Carnival Committee, the Crozolam Association, and the Friends of Santa Claus Committee, presents "Christmas in Dro", four days of events dedicated to the festive season.

7 December
Cultural Centre, 4 pm: Inauguration of the exhibition OUR MOTHER EARTH. Works by Gianni Tosi, presentation by Father Marcello Farina. Afterwards, enjoy local aperitifs with the Dro Plum Queen, accompanied by the accordion music of Simone Malfer and the youngsters from the Dream Association.

12 December
Ceniga, playground 5 pm / Dro, square 6 pm: ST LUCIA IS COMING, sweets and surprises for all children.
Church of S. Antonio, 8:30 pm: THE WONDER... OF THE NIGHT, inauguration of the nativity scenes with poetry readings.

14 December
Cultural Centre, 8:30 pm: CHRISTMAS WITH CONT. An evening of comedy with Loredana Cont, including the Drofiorita competition award ceremony.

21 December
Cultural Centre, 3 pm: MAGICALLY AWAITING CHRISTMAS with the new Magic Show by Folletto Molletta. Afterwards, there will be a Christmas decoration workshop and snacks for everyone.

24 December
3 pm: visit to the guests of the Molino residence
5 pm: music and carols through the streets of the village

Meeting point:

Cultural Centre

Contact info:

Pro Loco Sant'Antonio Dro

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