Concert evening: Wood vs. metal

Concert evening: Wood vs. metal

A Melodic Fusion in the Lengmoos Commandery at 8.30 p.m.
Entrance € 15, RittenCard € 12, student € 5.

The drum duo Stixx Percussion Duo was founded in 2012 by Daniel Unterhofer and Matthias Unterhofer.
The duo's repertoire ranges from classical works for marimba and vibraphone to jazzy songs and explosive drum pieces. The two focus particularly on the melodic aspect of percussion playing. They aim to showcase new sound perspectives to the listeners and convey an impression of the sonic versatility of the drums.

Daniel Unterhofer, Matthias Unterhofer - Drums.

Ticket reservation!

Meeting point:

Commandery Longomoso

Contact info:

Kuratorium Kommende Lengmoos
+39 377 3451238

This event requires registration:

Kuratorium Kommende Lengmoos, +39 377 3451238,

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