What are constellations, who invented them and what significance do they have for us? And how many of you have ever seen a constellation from the side?
After we have looked at the constellations of our starry sky over South Tyrol in the planetarium dome, we will make our own star chart together, which you can use to easily find the constellations in the sky. Then it's up to your imagination: we'll use paint and brushes to create our own starry sky and you can set off in search of your own individual constellations.
from 8 - 11 years 10,00 €
Meeting point:
Planetarium Südtirol/Alto Adige
Contact info:
Planetarium Südtirol / Alto Adige
+39 0471 610020
This event requires registration:
Planetarium Südtirol / Alto Adige, +39 0471 610020, info@planetarium.bz.it
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