E-Bike: Resia - Malles - Malettes

E-Bike: Resia - Malles - Malettes

Wednesday 25 Sep

Resia (Curon Venosta)

10:00 - 15:00
Reservation required

Wednesday 02 Oct

Resia (Curon Venosta)

10:00 - 15:00
Reservation required

Wednesday 09 Oct

Resia (Curon Venosta)

10:00 - 15:00
Reservation required

Guided E-Bike Tour

From our starting point in Reschen we drive to our other meeting points in Graun, St. Valentin and Burgeis. Already here we are rewarded with a great panorama of the Ortler group and the beautiful cultivated meadows of the Upper Vinschgau. From here we head to the northern edge of the village of Mals in the direction of Malettes. On a gravelled military road we drive up to 1606m. Here, too, we enjoy a wonderful view of the Ortler, the Königsspitze and Co. We cycle on to Muntatschining to stop at the Hofschank Rainalterhof.
We then cycle relaxed down along the Matscher Weg to the centre of Mals. Here we take the cycle path back to Reschen.

Duration: around 4,5 hours

Meeting point:

meeting point: tourist office

Contact info:

+39 0473 831190

This event requires registration:

PEAK 3, +39 0473 831190, info@peak3.eu

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