E-MTB Riding Technique Basic Course

E-MTB Riding Technique Basic Course

Saturday 12 Oct

Salonetto (Meltina)

09:00 - 12:00
Reservation required

Bike set-up, basic position & balance, braking technique, basic cornering technique, line selection, basic and downhill position, mastering small obstacles, riding technique on inclines (incl. hill starts), helpful tips and tricks for equipment, bike care and much more...

Duration: approx. 3 hours
Price: €25 per person with own bike
€35 including rental fully
Min. 2 persons, Max. 8 persons

Meeting point:

meeting point: Bistro Schlaneiderhof

Contact info:

Bistro Schlaneiderhof
+39 335 485500

This event requires registration:

Bistro Schlaneiderhof, +39 335 485500, info@urlaub.bike

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