Family Day on Rosskopf

Family Day on Rosskopf

Free participation and cable car for children under 14!

Here's what awaits you: Educator Patrizia will lead an exciting creative workshop where works of art will be made using natural materials. Storyteller Heike Vigl will take the children into the magical world of fairy tales along the new Rossy Walk at the forest labyrinth. Together with Albin, the children will get to know llamas and alpacas, guide them along a path, pet them, and feel their soft fur.

"Workshop" Station | Patrizia at the Furlhütte
Children who have registered can freely participate in the indoor workshop during the indicated hours. (10:00 AM - 2:00 PM)

"Fairy Tales" Station | Heike Vigl at the Forest Labyrinth
For this station, we ask that you be punctual to avoid interrupting Heike's fairy tales. (10:00 AM, 10:30 AM, 11:00 AM, 11:30 AM, 12:30 PM, 1:00 PM)

Llama Trekking with Albin at the Kastellacke | The llama trekking can be visited at any time. The Kastellacke is ideal for a picnic.
(10:00 AM - 2:00 PM)

2:00 PM at the Kastellacke | Presentation of the "My Dream Gondola" project artwork, created by the children as part of the "AktivCamp Monte Cavallo." The creative nature images made by the children will also be displayed.

Suitable for children aged 5 to 12 years -
A maximum number of children can participate in the event.
Each child must be accompanied by an adult. Participation is free of charge.

Meeting point:

Rosskopf mountain station

Contact info:

Rosskopf Ltd
+39 0472 765521

This event requires registration:

Rosskopf Ltd, +39 0472 765521,

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