Festival at Soprabolzano

Festival at Soprabolzano

Patronal festivity at the fairground in Oberbozen.

Every year on August 15, the Oberbozen music band organizes this traditional and widely known event. The day begins with a Mass at 8.30 a.m. followed by a procession and blessing of herbs at Maria Himmelfahrt.

Brunch starts at 11 a.m. at the festivity ground with music by the band. In the afternoon, at 2 p.m., the band invites you to the themed parade. Different music bands of South Tyrol accompany the parade, as well as Rittner alphorn musicians, folk dance group, “Goaßlschnöllern”, horse riders. In the evening live music and dancing

Meeting point:

at the fairground

Contact info:

Music band Oberbozen

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