From Nativity Scene to Nativity Scene

From Nativity Scene to Nativity Scene

Wishing you a happy and joyous festive season, rediscovering a Christmas rich in religious significance and beautiful traditions, we invite you to visit the widespread exhibition of handcrafted nativity scenes. These have been created by families, artists, the nursery school, local businesses, and associations throughout the village of Tonadico, from the historic centre to the surrounding countryside, and even within Palazzo Scopoli.

Organised by the Castel Pietra Cultural Association in collaboration with the community, local businesses and associations.

The "From Nativity Scene to Nativity Scene" exhibition is open from 8 December to 6 January.

Meeting point:

in the village centre

Contact info:

T.O. San Martino di Castrozza
Passo Rolle
phone: +39 0439 768867

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