Herbal laboratory for beginners

Herbal laboratory for beginners

Thursday 19 Sep

Rasun di Sotto (Rasun Anterselva)

17:00 - 18:30
Reservation required

Thursday 26 Sep

Rasun di Sotto (Rasun Anterselva)

17:00 - 18:30
Reservation required

With medicinal plants, wild herbs and materials from the kitchen and garden, you can easily make your own herbal products. Our herbal expert Seyr Tamara shows you how to do:
* Sports and muscle ointment
* Vanilla lip balm
* Quick herbal juice
* Flavoured herbal vinegar and
* fresh herb salt

Meeting point:

meeting point: Tourist Info

Contact info:

Tourismusverein Antholzertal

This event requires registration:

Tourismusverein Antholzertal, +390474496269, info@antholzertal.com

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