Hydráos and positive projection

Hydráos and positive projection

Saturday 26 Oct

Historic town of Merano (Merano)

20:00 - 22:00

A lyrical fantasy about the history of evolution liberates our vision and thinking from anthropocentrism. Three dancers immerse the viewer in a world of gentle waves that is both primeval and futuristic.
Editta Braun is a pioneer of contemporary choreography in Austria. After graduating from the University of Salzburg, she studied dance in Paris and New York. She has created more than 35 productions and has toured the world with her company. Her special characteristics are intercultural collaboration, political engagement, society and theatre in a feminist perspective. She has won important national and international awards for her choreographic work and, since 2023, several awards for her first dance film LUVOS migrations.
Concept, choreography, direction, costume/concetto, coreografia, regia, costumi: Editta Braun
Performers/Interpreti: Sonia Borkowicz, Weng Teng Choi-Buttinger, Simona Štangová
Photo, Video: Bettina Frenzel
Music and sound: Thierry Zaboitzeff
Lighting design: Thomas Hinterberger
Production: editta braun company
Funded by Österreichisches Bundesministerium für Kunst, Kultur, öffentlicher Dienst und Sport, Land Salzburg, Stadt Salzburg, Österreichisches Kulturforum Milano, Städteparnterschaft Meran-Salzburg

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Contact info:

Alps Move
+39 3401028105

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