Kaltern Pop Festival

Kaltern Pop Festival

Thursday 24 Oct

Caldaro village (Caldaro)

13:00 - 01:00
Reservation required

Friday 25 Oct

Caldaro village (Caldaro)

13:00 - 01:00
Reservation required

Saturday 26 Oct

Caldaro village (Caldaro)

13:00 - 01:00
Reservation required

Kaltern Pop is the name of Kaltern's lakeview festival, entirely dedicated to everyone who is fond of music, wine and good food. Those who haven't missed the last edition of the Kaltern Pop Festival will remember it as three truly unforgettable October days: about 30 international bands as well as solo artists have inspired and touched both local and foreign visitors with their different styles and great professionalism. Moreover, the wonderful locations as well as the Franciscan Church enriched the experience. Three long evenings characterized by thunderous applauses, nice encounters, new friends and inspiring conversations couldn't remain just a nice memory.

Meeting point:

various locations in town

Contact info:

Tourist office Caldaro
phone: +39 0471 963169

This event requires registration:

Tourist office Caldaro, phone: +39 0471 963169, info@kaltern.com

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