Learning Ladin: language and culture

Learning Ladin: language and culture

Tuesday 17 Sep

San Martino (San Martino in Badia)

09:00 - 12:00
Reservation required

Tuesday 01 Oct

San Martino (San Martino in Badia)

09:00 - 12:00
Reservation required

Course in Italian language only!

Ladins and the Dolomites: a history of mountaineering, tourism, and nationalism

How were mountains imagined by the first tourists-geologists, travelers, mountaineers-who visited the Ladino-Dolomitic valleys? What, on the other hand, was the role of mountains in the Ladino collective imagination? And how did the image of mountains change with the rise of different nationalist currents in Europe? This course aims to show that landscapes are not only “natural,” as even so-called “pristine” landscapes can only be experienced as a human-influenced perception; thus, mountains are always also a socio-cultural construct. In this perspective, mountaineering, tourism and nationalism have played a crucial role in the formation of new identities and societies.

Meeting point:

Ladin Insitute "Micurà de Rü"

Contact info:

Istitut Ladin "Micurà de Rü"
+39 0474 501037

This event requires registration:

Istitut Ladin "Micurà de Rü", +39 0474 501037, info@sanvigilio.com

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