Mills day in Lungiarü

Mills day in Lungiarü

Lungiarù is a small village nestled in the Dolomites, a hidden gem where ancient traditions are perpetuated from generation to generation, keeping a thousand-year-old culture alive. The symbol of this rich history is the Valle dei Mulini, a path that follows the course of a stream, whose power is harnessed by ancient mills.

A market is held at the nearby Lüch de Vanc farm and an old mill in the valley is back in operation, just as it was over a hundred years ago.

The mill day is fun for everyone, with horse riding, children's activities and walks, offering a fantastic Thursday for the whole family. You can also discover how a watermill works and watch bread being made according to the traditional Ladin method.

Meeting point:

Seres, Lungiarü

Contact info:

Tourist Office San Vigilio|San Martin - Dolomites
+39 0474 501037

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