Mozart & Friends 2024

Mozart & Friends 2024

Thursday 26 Sep

City of Bressanone (Bressanone)

from 17:00 on

Thursday 26.09.
5 p.m.
They'll be famous: Alena Savina and her small Mozarts

6.30 p.m.
Mozart on book: Justice and music on the eve of the French Revolution. In the Lagers of the Second World War
curated by Sonya Beretta and Giacomo Fornari
in collaboration with Comitato per l'educazione permanente di Bressanone
(in italian)

8.30 p.m.
Mozart in voice (Belcanto Academy)
Vittorino Andreoli (psychiatrist) & Andrea Bacchetti (piano)
in collaboration with UPAD/Palladio
(in italian and german)

Admission prices:
25 euros, reduced 15 euros

Meeting point:

Forum Bressanone

Contact info:

Pro Cultura
+39 0472 275252

Despite our efforts in verifying data we do not assume any responsibility for the correctness of information and the effective ralisation of events listed in our calendar. In order to verify single events, please contact the organisers.

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