Mozart in the Hofburg

Mozart in the Hofburg

As part of the "Mozart at the Bishop's Palace" program, the Armida Quartet, which has set new standards in the interpretation of Mozart thanks to the great success of its disc recordings of Mozart's string quartets, will perform in the Kaisersaal. In addition to two Mozart quartets, the musicians will perform Quartet No. 2 (2019) by Serbian composer Marco Nikodijevic, with whom Armida has several ongoing collaborations. Nikodijevic's composition is influenced by techno and electronics, but also by Mozart himself.

Meeting point:

Palazzo Vescovile / Hofburg

Contact info:

Musik & Kirche / +39 0472 27 52 52

This event requires registration:

Musik & Kirche, / +39 0472 27 52 52

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