Nostes müjighes: Music in the valley

Nostes müjighes: Music in the valley

Thursday 17 Jul

San Cassiano

21:15 - 22:30

Thursday 31 Jul

San Cassiano

21:15 - 22:30

Thursday 07 Aug

San Cassiano

21:15 - 22:30

Thursday 21 Aug

San Cassiano

21:15 - 22:15

The music bands of the valley have maintained our valuable tradition for decades.
They play an important role in the social life of the village and give many young people the opportunity to discover and develop their musical talents.

On this evening, you will hear the melodies of the music band from San Cassiano.

In case of bad weather, the concert will take place in the event hall J.B. Rinna.

Meeting point:

at the pavilion

Contact info:

San Cassiano music band
+39 0471 849422

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