Ötzi Family Camps

Ötzi Family Camps

Challenge and surprise yourself in nature by joining this outdoor adventure. Families will learn an array of wilderness survival skills as well as how life was 5,000 years ago.

Learn how you can find food in the woods! You’ll learn about locating, trapping and foraging for food safely in nature. Spend the day learning various strategies for locating and drawing out safe drinking water in nature. Try different strategies for starting fire in nature using only natural materials. Step back in time into Early Stone Age days long gone by during this outstanding four-day adventure at Oetzi Village, the unique Stone Age outdoor museum in Umhausen. The archaeological outdoor park is dedicated to Ötzi, the Iceman, the glacial mummy that was discovered in 1991 in the Oetztal Alps.

Campers learn to build on essential survival skills and embark on an overnight camping journey so please bring tent, sleeping bag and pad. There will be stories by the campfire and guided night walks. Join us for the four days and be prepared to have some wild adventure—and fun!

Meeting point:

in the Ötzi village

Contact info:

Überlebensschule - Tirol
+43 / 677 61 72 63 04

This event requires registration:

Überlebensschule - Tirol, +43 / 677 61 72 63 04, ​office@ueberlebensschule-tirol.at

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