Personal-coaching with Martin Kiem

Personal-coaching with Martin Kiem

In our modern age we are subjected to ever greater demands, stress and time pressure. For this reason our bodies and minds need regular relaxation breaks in order to regain the right balance.

In targeted individual or group coaching sessions our experts will help you discover how to cope with everyday life better and more healthily in future, how to be more mindful of your own needs and how to find greater satisfaction and inner peace. The purpose of the individually targeted discussions are to assess and develop personal skills and points of view, self-reflection and overcoming conflicts in both the professional and private sphere.

In your personal discussion with our health psychologist, stresses will be relieved, anxieties reduced and the relationships between physical complaints and your current life situation will be identified. With the inclusion of various holistic approaches, worries and problems can be dispelled, and methods established that will have a lasting positive impact on your personal lifestyle.

60 Min. Coaching: € 80,00 /Person
90 Min. Coaching: € 120,00 /Person

Meeting point:

Garden of Gaudententurm

Contact info:

Tourist Association Parcines
Phone: +39 0473 967157

This event requires registration:

Tourist Association Parcines, Rablà, Phone: +39 0473 967157,

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