Partnership project between the Claudio Monteverdi Conservatory of Music in Bolzano (Italy) and the Zhejiang Conservatory of Music in Hangzhou (China).
Monday 11/11/24, 7 p.m., Michealangeli Hall: Opening Concert. Qingyuan Gan, Haixian Zhang, Yuanheng Zhu
Tuesday 12/11/24, 9 a.m.-12 p.m., Michelangeli Hall: Masterclasses. Qingyuan Gan, Haixian Zhang, Yuanheng Zhu. Piano professors from the Zhejian and Claudio Monteverdi Conservatory of Music in Bolzano.
7 p.m., Michelangeli Hall: Concert. Chen Shiyin, Tobia Pizzirani, Ester Ferrario.
Wednesday, 13/11/24, 10 a.m., Round Table. Professors and director of the piano department of the music conservatories of Zhejiang and C. Monteverdi in Bolzano.
7 p.m., Michelangeli Hall, recital. M° Julin Wu.
Meeting point:
Conservatorio C. Monteverdi
Contact info:
Conservatorio Monteverdi
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