Sellaronda E-Bike Tour

Sellaronda E-Bike Tour

Wednesday 25 Sep

Selva Gardena

08:30 - 16:30
Reservation required

--Ntëur l Sela cun la roda--

Following the Sella Ronda MTB Tour Anti-Clockwise there is a total height difference of about 1.020 m to be cycled uphill and several descents through single trails or forest roads. Therefore it is more suited to those who enjoy cycling uphill on your MTB or e-bike. The time needed to complete the tour varies according the ability of the biker: from a minimum 7 to a maximum of 8 hours, with a lunch break included.

Meeting point: Active & Events Office (Selva Val Gardena)
Price: 65€ | 30€ for Val Gardena Active Partner (+62€ Dolomiti Super Summer)
Duration: 6-7 hours
Number of participants: min. 1
Distance: 56 km
Difficulty level: ●●●●●
Altitude difference in ascent: 1.020 m
Altitude difference in descent: 3.182 m
Use of the lift: yes (daily ticket 62€)
Period: June - September
Clothing and equipment: bike, helmet, windbreaker, drink, snack, sunscreen

*Public transport (busses, cableway, etc…), bike rental and lunch are not included and must be paid separately. A lunch break in a hut is planned.

Minimum age: 16 years

Any variation is reserved to the hiking guide!

Meeting point:

meeting point: Active & Events office

Contact info:

Val Gardena Active
+39 0471 777910

This event requires registration:

Val Gardena Active, +39 0471 777910,

Despite our efforts in verifying data we do not assume any responsibility for the correctness of information and the effective ralisation of events listed in our calendar. In order to verify single events, please contact the organisers.

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