Solo violino “Canti dal Silenzio”

Solo violino “Canti dal Silenzio”

Thursday 12 Dec

Bolzano City Centre (Bolzano)

20:00 - 21:30

‘Songs from Silence’ is a new solo recital based on his own compositions. It is a cycle of pieces dedicated for the first time to solo violin. The title refers to the profound nature of the act of composing, to that empty, silent space from which the composer must extract his ideas. That silence from which song and dance gradually emerge, is perhaps the same silence we face every time we try to grasp the root of who we are.

‘In this concert for my solo violin, there will be sounds and words in an attempt to tell something that resembles me as much as possible. Between confession and seduction.’

Meeting point:

Theater Carambolage

Contact info:

+39 0471 981790

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