St. Nicholas and angel parade

St. Nicholas and angel parade

Friday 06 Dec

San Martino (San Martino in Passiria)

17:00 - 19:00

The traditional St. Nicholas procession starts at 5 p.m. at the Hotel Jager Hans. From there to the village square, there is an opportunity to meet St. Nicholas and take a souvenir photo. At the village square, St. Nicholas and his angels distribute the St. Nicholas sacks and St. Nicholas carols are sung.
During the procession, food parcels are collected for children in Moldova and Ukraine.
Cosy get-together in the village square with various dishes and hot drinks.

Meeting point:

in the village

Contact info:

Südt. Kath. Jugend
Jugendtreff St. Martin
Kath. Familienverband
+39 0473 656188

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