Summit happines (Psairer Herbst)

Summit happines (Psairer Herbst)

Friday 18 Oct

San Leonardo (San Leonardo in Passiria)

08:30 - 17:00
Reservation required

Are you looking for a challenging summit tour? Do high alpine hikes awaken feelings of happiness and freedom in you? If so, you shouldn't miss out on the alpine summit tour to the Hochwart (Vernuer/Vernurio)! With mountain guide Robert, you will explore various paths and climbs on the way to the summit. Once you reach the top, your efforts will be rewarded with a magnificent 360-degree panorama and a tasty snack that will quickly make you forget all your exertions. Pack your rucksack, lace up your hiking boots and start your adventure over hill and dale.

Walking time: approx. 7 hours | Difference in altitude: approx. 1.100 m

The hike will be in German and Italian.

Meeting point:

meeting point: tourist office

Contact info:

Tourist Office Passeiertal Valley
+39 0473 656188

This event requires registration:

Tourist Office Passeiertal Valley, +39 0473 656188

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