Sunrise tour at the Monte Elmo

Sunrise tour at the Monte Elmo

Tuesday 17 Sep


05:00 - 10:00
Reservation required

Tuesday 24 Sep


05:00 - 10:00
Reservation required

Tuesday 01 Oct


05:00 - 10:00
Reservation required

A real experience: Sunrise at the top of Monte Elmo! Discover how the sun arises from behind the mountains and illuminates the landscape. From the summit of Monte Elmo you can enjoy this experience of nature with 360° panoramic views of the Dolomites and the Central Alps.

Meeting point:

meeting point: valley station Helmjet

Contact info:

3 Zinnen AG
+39 0474 710355

This event requires registration:

3 Zinnen AG, +39 0474 710355,

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