TalKlang FestiVal - Festival opening

TalKlang FestiVal - Festival opening

Thursday 03 Oct

Campo Tures village (Campo Tures)

18:30 - 20:00
Reservation required

Official festival opening with concert and opening of the participatory live installation: A TRACE OF AIR 46°55'12''N,11°57'19''E (2024)

In the church of St. Moritzen/San Maurizio, an organ invites you to create sound: everyone can/may help compose. By pressing a button, the sound sequence changes and becomes a new, exciting melody - during the four days of the festival.

Installation concept: Eva-Maria Houben, Guy Vandromme, Maria Craffonara, Vocals & Violin; Luciana Elizondo, Viola da Gamba; Maja Jantar, Vocals

Free admission

Meeting point:

church S. Moritzen

Contact info:

Tourist office Sand in Taufers
+39 0474 678076

This event requires registration:

Tourist office Sand in Taufers, +39 0474 678076,

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