The Bearded Vulture Learns to Fly

The Bearded Vulture Learns to Fly

Tuesday 13 May

Trafoi all'Ortles (Stelvio)

11:30 - 14:30
Reservation required

Saturday 24 May

Trafoi all'Ortles (Stelvio)

11:30 - 14:30
Reservation required

Saturday 31 May

Trafoi all'Ortles (Stelvio)

11:30 - 14:30
Reservation required

Tuesday 03 Jun

Trafoi all'Ortles (Stelvio)

10:00 - 13:00
Reservation required

The bearded vulture has its breeding ground in specific parts of the Stelvio National Park. If breeding takes place again this year, a young bird can be observed from a respectful distance as part of a guided hike with partner hiking guides from the national park. Find out more about this ecologically valuable bird and the Alpine-wide reintroduction project.

Meeting point:

naturatrafoi Visitor Centre

Contact info:

Visitor centre naturatrafoi
+39 0473 530045

This event requires registration:

Visitor centre naturatrafoi, +39 0473 530045,

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