The beef breed Graues Geislerrind

The beef breed Graues Geislerrind

Wednesday 25 Sep


16:00 - 19:00
Reservation required

Slow Food Travel - The beef breed Graues Geislerrind and the cultural landscape

A visit to the Ganoihof with Georg Profanter (social pedagogue, organic farmer) and Andreas Hudler (landscape ecologist) under involvement of biodiversity in interaction with management on the farm; insights into the current management of organic suckler cow breeding and an aperitif together on the farm.

Meeting point: Ganoihof, Flitzweg 5
Start: 4 pm - 7 pm visit to the farm & Aperitif
Participation fee: 10,00 € - free of charge with DolomitiCard
Experience/tasting*: free donation
Participants: min. 2 persons

Meeting point:

Ganoihof farm, Valluzza

Contact info:

Dolomitental Villnöss
+39 0472 840180

This event requires registration:

Dolomitental Villnöss, +39 0472 840180,

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