The Devils-Run

The Devils-Run

Saturday 07 Dec

Campo Tures village (Campo Tures)

from 18:00 on

The stamping of hooves will send a cold shiver down your spine. A wild mob dressed up with furs, long coats and horns on their traditional masks (Lorfn) are on their way.
The Devils outfits are impressive but the wooden masks are an art in their own right. In these often very heavy hand crafted wooden “Lorfn” much imaginative detail can be seen. Together with rattling chains, deafening cows bells, fire spitting little devils and cheeky witches (Perchten) the spectacle and indeed the illusion is complete.
The rite harks back to legend. One which tells the story of times of famine where young farmers, men from high up in the mountains dressed in animal furs and horns, went off on raids.

Meeting point:

Daimer Street - Jungmann Street - pavillon

Contact info:

Tourist office Campo Tures
phone: +39 0474 678076

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