Toul Yoga - Yin Yoga Workshop

Toul Yoga - Yin Yoga Workshop

Friday 31 Jan

Lutago (Valle Aurina)

09:00 - 12:30
Reservation required

Yin yoga has become very popular in recent years. The great appeal of this yoga path can be explained above all by the fact that it offers such a simple and direct way to calm down and reconnect with ourselves. In a world where speed and the pressure to perform are increasing rapidly, this is a real benefit for body, mind and soul. On a physical level, the nervous system is sustainably calmed and the function of the internal organs is stimulated by applying pressure and traction to the meridian pathways. Adhesions and hardening in the connective tissue can be loosened. On a mental level, we can develop greater awareness of our thought patterns and dissolve old beliefs. On an emotional level, long pent-up feelings can be released. This brings us into a deeper connection with ourselves and the source of all being. We feel again why we are here and what our personal mission in life is. In Yin Yoga, we have the opportunity to recognise the meaning behind everything and to make peace with ourselves and our life situation.

Workshop in German

Meeting point:

hall in the Raiffeisen bank

Contact info:

Tourist association of the Ahrntal Valley
+39 0474 671136

This event requires registration:

Tourist association of the Ahrntal Valley, +39 0474 671136,

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