Transart Festival - "In Medea Res"

Transart Festival - "In Medea Res"

Transart is a multidisciplinary festival that explores contemporary art forms such as music, dance, performance, film and visual arts. The piece ‘IN MEDEAS RES’ by the Viennese performance company Liquid Loft centres on the figure of Medea, based on the portrayal of Maria Callas in Pasolini's 1969 film. Under the direction of choreographer Chris Haring, the dancers create a grotesque, dualistic figure that operates between reality and the world of myth. The piece thematises the change of order and the loss of the metaphysical through a mixture of physical art, sounds and utopian scenes.

Meeting point:

NOBIS Event Centre

Contact info:

Transart Festival
+39 0471 673070

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