Village Celebration in San Giorgio

Village Celebration in San Giorgio

The annual “Jergina Kirschta” takes place in the village centre of St. Georgen.

Brass music, dance music, food and drink are offered.

Friday, 23.08
8.00 pm. - opening concert of the music band Niederdorf; afterwards music with the music group "Bärntotzn"

Saturday, 24.08
1.00 pm. – setting up the traditional tree with musical entertainment
6.30 pm. – opening with "Dirlewanger Blaosband"
afterwards music entertainment with "Narrwangias Hausband"

Sunday, 25.08
9.00 am. – Holy Mass
11.00 am. – musical entertainment with "4 blosn"
2.00 pm. – festive concert of the traditional music band Oberbozn
4.00 pm. – festive concert of the music band Abtei
6.30 pm. – Dance and entertainment with the "Die Schlanzer"

Meeting point:

at the centre

Contact info:

Music band St. Georgen

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