Wild Indonesien

Wild Indonesien

Wild Indonesia - In the footsteps of Alfred R. Wallace. This is the title of the lecture organised by the South Tyrol Museum of Nature as part of the meetings of the South Tyrol Flora Working Group next Friday, 24 May at 6 pm. The natural history journey leads through the diverse cultural and natural landscape of Bali with its volcanoes and rice terraces. From the spice islands of the Togian archipelago, the journey continues to the mountains and rainforests of Sulawesi, the third largest of the Sunda Islands. It is home to an extraordinary number of endemic species that made a deep impression on the British naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace.
With the biologist and secondary school teacher Norbert Dejori. He is a passionate photographer with a special eye for diverse landscapes and special natural features. Man and his work are not neglected either.

Meeting point:

South Tyrol Museum of Nature

Contact info:

Museum of Nature
+39 0471 412964

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