Words to Save Yourself

Words to Save Yourself

Communicating Health and Environmental Risks

Risks permeate all human activities, and risk communication has taken on a central role in today’s society, whether it be in cases of floods, earthquakes, pollution, climate change, epidemics, or biotechnological developments. The exchange of knowledge about risks is now essential for managing emergencies and dealing with uncertainties.

This topic will be addressed on Friday, March 28th at 6:00 PM at the South Tyrol Museum of Nature during the Italian-language lecture titled “Parole per salvarsi. Comunicare i rischi per la salute e per l’ambiente.” The lecture will be presented by Giancarlo Sturloni, a science communicator and expert in health and environmental risk communication, a field he teaches at various universities. He is currently the communications manager at Greenpeace Italy.

Admission is free

Meeting point:

South Tyrol Museum of Nature

Contact info:

Museum of Nature
+39 0471 412964

This event requires registration:

Museum of Nature, +39 0471 412964, info@naturmuseum.it

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