Yoga outdoors

Yoga outdoors

Tuesday 24 Sep

Naturno village (Naturno)

09:00 - 10:15
Reservation required

Tuesday 01 Oct

Naturno village (Naturno)

09:00 - 10:15
Reservation required

During a prana-vinyasa yoga class with physiotherapist and yoga teacher Maria Gögele, you will flow trough all the asanas with your breath and thereby mobilize, strengthen and stretch your body. Let's start the new day holistically toghether!

Only in german and italian language!

Meeting point:

nearby the Prokulus Church

Contact info:

Soc. Coop. Turistica di Naturno
+39 0473 666077

This event requires registration:

Soc. Coop. Turistica di Naturno, +39 0473 666077,

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