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Weather - Bolzano
Today, 26/03/2025 -
Bolzano City Centre (Bolzano)
20:15 - 22:15Monteverdi in Concert
Bolzano City Centre (Bolzano)
from 20:00 onBatzen Sudwerk: Tscchaka-Laka
Bolzano City Centre (Bolzano)
19:00 - 22:00Jam Keller Session
till 21:00Terlano Asparagus Weeks
Historic town of Merano (Merano)
20:00 - 22:30“Die Nacht der Musicals 2025"
21:00 - 01:00Disco Zoom: Discofox
till 21:00Gastronomic weeks in the Isarco Valley
Obereggen (Nova Ponente)
11:30 - 20:00Beef & Snow
City of Bressanone (Bressanone)
18:00 - 19:00Hablas español?
Santa Cristina
20:30 - 22:30Torchlight walk at Monte Pana
Selva Gardena
15:00 - 18:00Rock the Dolomites