Suggested events
MorningAfternoonEveningMIN.-1° +8°MAX.
Weather - Martello
Today, 26/03/2025 -
Laces village (Laces)
13:30 - 16:30Lama meets Culture - Trekking walk
Malles village (Malles)
08:00 - 12:30Weekly market in Malles
till 21:00Terlano Asparagus Weeks
Historic town of Merano (Merano)
20:00 - 22:30“Die Nacht der Musicals 2025"
Trafoi all'Ortles (Stelvio)
16:00 - 17:45Film journey "Stelvio National Park"
15:00 - 17:00Cellar tour and wine tasting
15:30 - 17:00Guided tour: Distillery Unterthurner
Solda (Stelvio)
15:00 - 16:00Ice climbing - taster course
Resia (Curon Venosta)
from 20:00 onSymphony concert Ski and Music
14:30 - 16:30Lapakafun: Lama & Alpaca Hikes
Caldaro village (Caldaro)
08:00 - 13:00Weekly market in Caldaro