Sudwerk: Peter Burchia - Mercury8

Sudwerk: Peter Burchia - Mercury8

giovedì 10 ott

Centro di Bolzano (Bolzano)

dalle 21:00 in poi

'90s rock influences, trip hop and psychedelia are the settings in which the raw, acoustic sound of the band formed by Christian Mair (ex Sense of Akasha) on bass, Emanuele Righetti (Officina Briganti) on guitar and Heinz Oberarzbacher on drums moves.

The South Tyrolean musician and artist has been writing lyrics since the age of 12. He will be on stage with guitar and voice for an acoustic performance of intimist songwriting.
His debut album “Look Back” (12 songs) was released in May 2022 on all digital platforms and also on vinyl, of which a very special and artistic release was made.

Ticket: 10€

Punto di incontro:

Batzen Sudwerk


Batzen Häusl
Tel. +39 0471 050 950

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